Ammon was an ancient Egyptian god. He was depicted as a human with a ram's head. He was one of the chief gods, and was adopted by the Greeks as Zeus and the Roman's as Jupiter.
In Egyptian mythology, amset was son of horus; guardian of the south. His canopic jar receives the stomach and large intestines of the dead.
Amun is an alternative spelling of Ammon.
The Ankh was the ancient Egyptian amulet of life. It was usually employed as a pendant for a necklace.
Anniu was an ancient Egyptian god.
Anubis (Anepo) was an ancient Egyptian god. He was the son of Osiris and Isis. He was depicted as having the head of a jackal. He guided the souls of the dead from this world into the next. He also weighed the actions of the deceased in the presence of Osiris.
Apep is an evil serpant in ancient Egyptian mythology.
Apis were bulls symbolic of Osiris in ancient Egyptian culture. When they reached 25 years of age they were secretly killed by the priests and thrown into a sacred well.
In ancient Egyptian mythology Asmodai (Asmodeus) was an evil spirit who killed seven husbands of Sara but was driven away into the uppermost part of Egypt by Tobias. Asmodai is also reprsented as the prince of demons who drove King Solomon from his kingdom.
Athor (Hathor, Hat-Her) was an Egyptian goddess symbolised by a cow with a solar disk on its head and haw-feather plumes.
Bast was an ancient Egyptian goddess. The cat was sacred to her.
Bes was the Egyptian god of recreation, music and dancing. He was represented as a grotesque dwarf wearing a crown of feathers.
In Egyptian mythology, Bubastis was the daughter of Isis. She was represented as having the head of a cat, the animal sacred to her.
In Egyptian mythology, Duamutef was son of Horus and guardian of the East. His canopic jar receives the lungs and heart of the dead.
In Egyptian mythology, Hapi was the personification of the Nile. He was son of Horus and guardian of the North. His canopic jar receives the small intestines of the dead.
Harpocrates was the Egyptian god of silence.
Hekau was a term for the magical formulae used on amulets in ancient
Heqt was the frog-headed goddess of ancient Egypt. She was wife of Khnemu. She represented resurrection and was symbolised by a frog.
Horus was the Egyptian hawkheaded sun god, son of Isis and Osiris, of whom the pharaohs were declared to be the incarnation.
Isis was an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with serpants and the colour red.
In Egyptian mythology, Khem was the god of reproduction and generation. He was identified as Pan by the Greeks.
Khepera was the ancient Egyptian god of creation who propelled the sun
across the sky.
Khu was the ancient Egyptian term for the soul.
In Egyptian mythology, Memphis was the daughter of Nile. She married Epaphus who founded the city of Memphis and named it after his wife.
The Menat was an ancient Egyptian amulet employed to bring joy and health to the bearer. It represented the power of reproduction.
The Nefer was an ancient Egyptian amulet signifying happiness and good luck. It was made of red stone or red porcelain and was worn from a necklace or a string of beads.
In Egyptian mythology, Neith was the goddess of the heavens.
Nephthys was an ancient Egyptian goddess. Daughter of Seb and Nut, she married Set.
In Egyptian mythology, Nut was the sky goddess and mother of Osiris by Seb. She was married to Ra, but also took Thoth for a lover.
Osiris was the Egyptian god of goodness. He ruled the underworld after being killed by Set.
Pehrer was an ancient Egyptian god.
Qebhsennuf was the ancient Egyptian god of the West. His cannopic jar receives the liver and the gall-bladder.
Ranno was the ancient Egyptian god of gardens. he was represented as an asp.
The Sam was an ancient Egyptian amulet for sexual pleasure.
In Egyptian mythology, Sati was the goddess of the lower heavens (the air).
The Scarab was an Egyptian amulet associated with Khepera.
In Egyptian mythology, Seb was the earth god. He was the father of Osiris.
In Egyptian mythology, Serapis was another name for Osiris, and was known as the judge of the underworld.
In Egyptian mythology, Seth (Set) was the devil and enemy of Osiris.
The Shen was an ancient Egyptian amulet representing the sun's orbit and symbolising eternity.
The Sphinx is a monster which appears in both Greek and Eyptian mythology. Both sphinx have the body of a lion and the head of a woman. The Greek sphinx has wings, the Egyptian does not. In Greek mythology, the Sphinx posed a riddle to all who seeked to pass. This riddle was at last explained by Edipus, where upon the Sphinx destroyed itself. The Egyptian Sphinx was a goddess of wisdom and knowledge.
The Tet was an ancient Egyptian amulet representing the tree trunk in which the goddess Isis concealed the body of her dead husband.
Thoth was the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom. He was a lover of Nut, and playing draughts with the moon won from her a seventy second part of every day which he compounded into five days which he added to the original Egyptian calendar of 360 days.